Puss in Boots:
This animated film tells the story of what happend to Pluss in Boots before the appeared in the Shrek films. Puss learns that two villians called Jack and Jill have discovered and ancient power that can destory the world. With his friends Humpty Dumpty and Kitty Softpaws, he goes on a dangerous journey to save the world...
Arthur Christmas:
Fansof 3d animation will love this film by the creators of Wallace and Gromit. It's Christmas Eve, and Father Christmas's son. Arthur, must deliver a present to a little girl before Christmas morning. You'll also learn how Father Christmas delivers so many presents in just one night!
Mission Impossible:
This is the fourth film in the Mission Impossible series. When a terrorist bomb destroys the Kremlin in Russia, the US government asks Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) and his agents to go into hiding. Will Ethan discover who is really responsible for the attackts?
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